Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 32, 33 and 34 - What a Weekend!

So, as you know, we all piled in the Nissan and headed down to Christchurch for my sister's Kung Fu Black Belt grading... Mum, Dad and The Photographer. We stayed at the YMCA - and sang the song enthusiastically as we pulled into the carpark after a long but stunning drive down the Kaikoura coast. Here is my outfit that I wore to work Friday... a velvet skirt I made (but want to redesign), the white singlet top that my bridesmaids wore (it has a lacy racer back) and the Ray-Monde jacket from Day 1.

We spent all Saturday watching my sister and 11 others be put through their paces until utterly rinsed - and I'm just talking about me here! Wow - what an incredible effort... several long months of hardcore work and she did us proud! Congratulations! How cool is it to have a sister who is a Black Belt!

This is the beaming family at the after-match (or should I say after-bash) function... I'm wearing my new Maxi Dress and mum's jacket as I was freezing!

The next day we went and visited good friends - the other B&K who I mentioned in a previous blog - to meet their first child... so nice to see them, and to steal a line from the photographer they seemed to be "the shape of happiness!"

Back home to a feed of scallops, a load of washing and a much needed sleep before the working week started again.

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