Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 29 - And now for something completely different...

Yes the skirt you have seen before... the shirt is new... BUT THIS is the exciting part.....while the photographer was losing his hair (in celebration of mo-vember)... see the photos before, after (and in between)...


I was growing it!!!

I have decided to pass on the tussock like ponytail that comes with growing one's hair out and cheat and buy an extension that make me look like a footballers wife!!! What do you think???

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 28 - Fruit Burst

Fruit burst shoes - what's your favourite flavour? I think mine was peach. Someone told me as a child that the yellow banana ones were the worst for you so I never ate them - and there were always soo many yellow banana ones versus peach ones in a packet!

The skirt was bought in Japan, and has domes that adjust the width of the waist. Needless to say my domes are on max!

Such a beautiful day, I have started walking to work in a bid to prove to the photographer that we only need one car and boy am I loving the walk. Tunes turned up high, sunshine streaming - it is the perfect distance to put distance between work and home and vice versa. The walk home includes a stroll across Horton Park which I reserve for fist pumping and singing out loud as Kings Of Leon (or someone of that ilk) unleash another stadium anthem!

Here is the tally for this week;

Hoodies                 2 out of 4
Dresses / Tunics     17 out of 25
Tops                      19 out of 38
Shirts                      3 out of 8
Cardigans / Vests    5 out of 9
Jackets                   4 out of 12
Shorts                    2 out of 4
Skirts                     5 out of 10
Jeans                      4 out of 4
Trousers                 4 out of 4

Leggings                 4 out of 4
Shoes                     15 out of 15 pairs

Last night before I went to bed I divided the wardrobe and drawers in to worn / not worn yet as I am having trouble remembering!

I have been reading A Personal History of The Virgin Queen - that's right - Elizabeth I (the one there were 2 movies made about starring Cate Blanchett). I think she felt very strongly about her God Given Rights as a Monarch and that perhaps empowered her obvious natural ability, by that I mean it pushed her to stand up and rule and not submit to marrying and other natural roles of women of the time.

I have been pondering on my walks home what, if she lived today, Elizabeth I, as an obviously remarkable woman, would be? Would she be in Politics? Would she be a CEO of a major corporation?  Would she be Hilary Clinton?

My other thought when reading this book is that still after over 300 years since the end of her reign Elizabeth I's tactics of torture and her massive spy networks are still very real in modern government - WikiLeaks/ Guantanamo Bay anyone?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 27 - A trip to the Farmers Market

Here I am in a muslin cotton shirt, trusty old black jeans with my purchases. A De Brood Bakkers Pane Italian and Fresh Coriander. Not visible in the photo (cos they're in my tummy!) are the deliciously crumbly feta style blue cheese by Sherrington Grange Cheese, http://www.sherringtongrange.co.nz/cheese_history.html and the Birchmore Highland Beef Garlic Salami. 
The photographer was still in bed when I set off in our trusty Nissan stead. I treated myself to a Mocca and spent an hour or so wandering around the market. I don't go nearly enough to the Farmers Market... http://www.marketground.co.nz/ and I always forget cash! But this time I was well stocked up, and so I shopped! As well as the produce I picked up a cucumber plant and an eggplant plant(?) with a name like a Chinese Gymnast - Ping Tung Long. The aubergine it produces is purple, thin and, funnily enough - long!

After winning the X Factor bet, The Photographer decided to cash in his breakfast chit today - but instead of eating in bed we sat outside and had eggs and bacon and fruit and the spoils of my Farmers Market trip.

It has been an absolute corker of a day... had a long walk along the river and through Pollard Park to visit my Nana, and watched all the Steig Larsson "Girl Who" movies. It's 8:30 and still light!!!! Feel very relaxed... so will tick that off my list of jobs for the weekend!

Day 26 - Green Finger!

Today my outfit was so boring I decided to make things a bit more interesting by showing you some pictures of our garden that we have been working on today...

Here I am looking at my Espalier Apple tree which has a record 14 apples on it this year. My Grape which for the first time we may get grapes off and my Blackberry which is looking good since we moved it. Can you believe this photo was taken around 7pm? I HEART Summer!

Next we have Long Shot looking down our planter box garden, we have tried to grow every thing from seed ourselves this year with some success but I think we planted out too early and something is munching the poor wee seedlings. We are growing Pak Choi, Tomatoes, Daikon, Beetroot, Chinese Cabbage, Spinach, a variety of chillies (this is the photographers pet), Brocolli, Corn, Sugar Snap Peas, Radish, Garlic, Red Onion, Lettuce... I think that's it - oh and lots of herbs Italian Parsley, Basil and Coriander.

I harvested a handful of strawberries today and store bought strawberries have nothing of these small, super sweet fellas! There is a whole lot of self seeded Nastursium growing up and around the pots and my theory is that this is helping produce more strawberries that ever as I know they are good companion plants.
Finally here I am watering the garden like every good gardener should do. The photographer installed an irrigation system this year which makes things sooo easy. Flick of a switch, set the timer and the plants get a proper watering. But I have to say, I do kinda miss standing out in the fading sunlight, hose in hand, drink in the other communing with the world.

Finally - dinner was an epic FAIL. I tried to make Pakora - a deep fried Indian tempura kinda thing... I ended up smoking the house out with oil... it STILL reeks... here is a photo of the haze. Have a good laugh - we did! (eventually).

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 25 - TGIF

I'm very proud of my outfit today. Why? Because I made the jacket. It is is the best thing I have ever made - even if I do say so myself.

It is a Simplicity Project Runway Pattern (and yes I am addicted to that TV programme!). The reason, I imagine, that it is called a Project Runway pattern is that you can be a bit of a fashion designer with it. There are alternative collars, sleeves, cuffs and trims so you can mix and match and create your own jacket. I went with a cuffless 3/4 length sleeve and knotted collar and red lining!

The top is new, I bought it yesterday to go with the jacket, it's low V is made more modest with my red bandana top which links in nicely to the red stripe in the jacket. And my shoes, that are not visible in the photo unfortunately, are yellow-ish and that ties in the yellow stripe so all in all I feel very put together today.

I don't know about you but I've noticed a trend that as each week progresses my outfits get better. Monday is a struggle, Tuesday that not much better but by the time I hit Friday I've really hit my stride!

Speaking of Friday - tonight is the X Factor Final, the photographer and I have a bet. I'm going for Sally, he is going for Altiyan - the loser has to cook the other breakfast in bed... really hope I win... am gagging for pancakes!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 24 - 2 for the price of one

Well I thought it appropriate to take a pause yesterday... I took photos of my outfits but couldn't bring myself to post about something as well, frivolous, as this exploit. Yesterday wasn't a day for frivolity. So today I will post photos from yesterday and today...
 Above is yesterday's work outfit... followed by the dress I wore to the Opening Night of Marlborough Repertory Society's "The 39 Steps" - a fantastically schlap-stick comedy - based on a movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It was hilarious - well done to all! If you are in Blenheim you should go see it!

Here is what I wore today... the first time in this challenge I have repeated wearing an item of clothing - the trousers! How is that? 24 days and I haven't worn the same thing twice!

The top is one I've sewn - another Burda special. And it is probably only it's third or fourth outing this a year.

I do have something to admit...

Yes I did (rather guiltily) buy some clothes today - a dress and a top... BUT while I was out shopping I bumped into a Facebook friend who commented on that fact that I was buying even more clothes - shame-ola! Serves me right.

9pm we light candles to commemorate -

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 23 - A moments silence...

Well team, I don't really feel like writing following the absolute tragedy happened at Pike Mine this afternoon... so the blog will take a break today...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 22 - Start of the fourth week...

I can't believe that this is the start of my fourth week... it's the slog part of the challenge. The newness has worn off, my wardrobe is being whittled away and I have to make sure I am not missing anything out. Maybe in the weekend I will need to re-look at my wardrobe and put the clothes that I haven't worn somewhere seperate so I don't get confused.

Today I am wearing a vintage navy blue men's vest, a long white sleeve tee and my "Cybele" skirt. It is a lovely skirt and I bought it with a voucher that I'd won at a phone sales session. Cybele is a New Zealand label that I'd never heard of until I told a work colleague who the skirt was and she ooh-ed, the way she ooh-ed made me think I should find out more... so here is the link to the website so you can too! http://www.cybele.co.nz/

Some of her clothes are just beautiful. My skirt is a gold silk tulip skirt. I want to make a pattern out of it and sew it over and over again in different material! It's only flaw it that it is a pain to iron!

I only have one evening out this week, and therefore only one opportunity to double up outfits but that is okay. I think I am on track... maybe?????

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 21 - Despite earlier confusion...

Well I got to today and realised I'd done two day seventeens!!! So I've gone back and corrected the posts, which means despite earlier confusion today is the three week mark of this Spark of Madness challenge and therefore time for my weekly tally up of clothes worn!

So here is the tally of clothes worn to date... and guess what! Some categories have been worn completely! These are highlighted in red.

Hoodies                 2 out of 4
Trousers                 4 out of 4
Dresses / Tunics     15 out of 25
Tops                      14 out of 38
Shirts                      3 out of 8
Cardigans / Vests    4 out of 9
Jackets                   2 out of 12
Leggings                 4 out of 4
Jeans                      3 out of 4
Shoes                     15 out of 15 pairs
Shorts                    2 out of 4
Skirts                     3 out of 10

Concerned about jackets... not making much in-road here but then its been soooo warm. Well except for today. On my walk home from work I wish I'd had a jacket to wear!

Hope your Monday has started the week well. Still no resolution to the miners tragedy. So so sad, it is the talk of everyone I bump into. Here is hoping for a miracle.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 20 - Mind on the mine

A very relaxing day and a very relaxing look. We took a drive down the Kenepuru Sound to Broughton Bay and caught up with my cousin and her family. We got some green-shell mussels and have just cooked them up with asparagus, green beans and kumara chips!

My mind is on the mine today, the miners trapped and their families. I have been listening the reports of the news and have been very moved. What a nightmare! I don't often say this, I think the phrase can be overused and trite, but my prayers are with them.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day Nineteen - Making the Most Of...

I wore another outfit today before this one but it was shit.

And I am a girl who likes to make the most of what a girl got.

So with belly sucked in, back fat pulled round to fill the cup (c'mon girls we all do it) and arms squidged together... this is what a girl got!

I remember travelling to California once, my friend and I driving down the road and without saying a word both admiring the saline ... we both agreed that I probably had the only natural ones in sight.

And so they remain.... pulled and pushed together from whereever... but all natural...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day !8- Martina vs Maria

Apparently this dress makes me look like I should be playing tennis? Martina - maybe so...

I prefer to think of it as my "preppy it is too early for cocktails twinset and pearls new hampton" look. A purchase in Japan, accessorised with Chardonnay.

It's Mum's birthday today and we went out for dinner to Chichi Chinese Restaurant. It was so hot, the photographer had Thai Hot Green Curry and I had a spicy salad which probably didn't help the heat. As I write I am sitting here with my feet in a bucket of cold water!

My outfit became more Maria the widowed mafia matriach... in a black dress and malaysian shawl arranged around the neckline.

Ole' ole'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day Seventeen - He's Back!

Well team, you may have noticed that seemingly overnight the quality of the photography on this blog has improved dramatically. Yep - the photographer is back! After 35 hours travel he is back home... bearing more clothes!
Here I am in my dress from friend Rie, this is what I wore to work. It is a floral pattern but the quirk I like about it is that over the flowers, bumble bees are hovering!

Then here is what I wore to Champagne Club Wine Tasting Group that I co-ordinate - as mentioned in Day 13's Sunday Best post- 2nd Anniversary this evening. It has been stinking and sweltering here. You have to peel yourself off any seat you sit on and hope you don't leave behind any obvious reminders.

Well, I must away... bubbles and the boy call.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 16 - Sweet sixteen...

Very tired so won't write much. On the upside the boy comes home tomorrow. Yay!!! But in a strange kind of way I'm way out of "us" routine and back into "Bridget does what she wants" routine so there may be some teething pains along with the pleasantness of having him back.

Shirt is a Hand Me Down from a friend who had a baby and who's tits got too big... hope she doesn't want it back now as I really like it. It's paired with my bubble skirt... and my pasty white legs sticking out the bottom!

Good night!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day Fifteen - Jeckle and Hyde

Jeckle and Hyde? Because today's outfits are split personalities and as different as Jeckle and Hyde! The first outfit is what I wore to work today. Kinda dyke chic. But as discussed yesterday I am concerned about getting through my tops so I wore shorts, and three tops... a singlet, another singlet and a shirt. Haha! Take that!

It was phone sales today, think the sales team locked in the office in a scramble to make target sitting on the phones making quick sales, so we could go in casual as the only people who see us are our workmates. My singlet was bought from Uni-qlo in Japan, kinda the equivalent of Glassons??? Dunno - what do you think people who have lived in Japan - what would you compare it to???

I bought it cos I like the sassy girl on the front.

It's a drawing by Jean Michel Basquiat. Jean-Michel Bas-who??? I hear you say - I said the same thing when the boy got all excited about seeing my top (he must have been doing the laundry or something?).

Well if you start typing in Jean Michel into Google his is the first name up there. He is an interesting character. Dated Madonna, friends with Warhol, collaborated with Bowie - oh and his art - started off with graffiti and ended up a major neo-expressionist artist. Here's a link to the Wikipedia wisdom...

Here is my second outfit - Gypsy Chic - worn to the movies. I went and saw The Social Network. And guess what? - I really enjoyed it. And you?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 14 - Two Weeks Down, Five to Go

My red dress tunic with a kind of fantasy paisley pattern. It reminds me of the wallpaper pattern in my parents bedroom at our house in Spring Creek when I was a girl. The bedroom eventually became my bedroom when they did renovations and my sister and I got our own bedroom - yay no more bunk beds! I remember lying in bed when I had the mumps and following the swirling tendril pattern of this kind of fantasy flower wall paper.

Well I'm two weeks into the project... and looking at the stats you are truly an international readership!

New Zealand, UK, Australia, Cook Islands, Japan, Mozambique, United Arab Emirates, Italy, US, Indonesia, Ireland and Russia... I know you are all already my friends - but what an amazing snapshot of where we all are!

So here is the tally of clothes worn to date...

Hoodies                 1 out of 4
Trousers                 3 out of 4
Dresses / Tunics     10 out of 25
Tops                      8 out of 38
Shirts                     1 out of 8
Cardigans / Vests   3 out of 9
Jackets                   2 out of 12
Leggings                 3 out of 4
Jeans                      2 out of 4
Shoes                     10 out of 15 pairs
Shorts                    1 out of 4
Skirts                     1 out of 10

I thought I would have made more of a dent in my wardrobe this week being that I had several days where I wore two outfits. I am starting to panic considering I have only 35 more days to go and if you added my top half and bottom half combinations together, I have 16 bottom halfs and 30 tops left, in other words 16 complete outfits from that alone! (and still 14 tops to go) Not even mentioning the 15 dress / tunics that haven't been touched.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day Thirteen - Sunday Best

What a pleasant Sunday! A wonderful afternoon spent with a little wine tasting club I co-ordinate in Blenheim called The Champagne Club. We meet once a month and do little outings every now and then. Today we had a Long Lazy Sunday Afternoon down the Golden Mile - aka Rapaura Road - which is where many of the best wineries are found.

There were 14 of us in total who had a yummy lunch, then jumped in a bus and went to

Nautilus winery www.nautilusestate.com/
Georges Michel Wines www.georgesmichel.com/
Makana Confections http://www.makana.co.nz/
and Moa Brewery www.moabeer.co.nz/

My picks of the day were - Twin Islands Bubbly, Georges Michel "Summer Folly" Rose and Moa Beer 'Marzenbier'... oh and Makana's Macadamia Nut Toffee Crunch - heaven!

I dressed casual, leggings and shirt dress but with my own summer folly to brighten the outfit up, my corally pink shoes! Little flats that are so yummy and candy like. Today was was only their third time on parade.

You are probably also noticing that my pink flower is getting a lot of wear. I'm going to need to expand my collection of these I think. I just love the way you can put them on a top or in your hair and it just makes the whole outfit look a little more special.

Monday tomorrow, feels like rain. But that's okay I have a Pork Noisette for tea, Michael J Fox's autobiography to curl up and read... a wee bottle of Moa beer to go with it!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day Twelve - Get Shorty!

Shorts - I have 6 pairs! How did I ever get so many? I'm not a shorts person at all so I thought I better make a start on them.

And what a wonderfully hot hot day to do it... so Summery today, like a day in mid February!

I started to struggle late afternoon but perked up when I went round to Mum and Dads for tea and they feed and watered me.

I sewed these shorts too... putting a zip into pants is sooo hard! It almost did my head in. But they're okay. The fabric is a little see through so I have to remember to wear light undergarments. I forgot today and remembered halfway round the supermarket. Ooops.

Recently I've noticed that in a lot of pop songs they talk about "shorty". Apparently its the new slang for 'babe' or 'hottie'. Calling a girl shortly is a good thing according to Urban Dictionary.


So when Usher sings in his song OMG "I fell in love with Shorty when I saw her on the dancefloor" you now know he isn't referring to Danny Devito.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day Eleven - Legs 11

Peeled myself out of bed this morning after a rather late night at a client function.  We took top clients to Fiji this year and had a get together of the group to look at photos etc last night...Was SO much fun - competitive pizza making and other frivolities until 2am! Good work!!!

Went to work for the morning - this is the outfit I wore. Tunic and jeans with towering shoes that are definitely not practical but make my legs look long and thin! This is them, kind of like heeled clogs...

I had a radio promotion at Arthur Devine Inspired Salon and Spa first thing in the morning where Nige our breakfast announcer experienced a body scrub and massage and broadcast back - talk about envy! It looked great... after that it was just a bit of fluffing around at work before my hair appointment cos it's my very good friend's wedding today!

Here is what I'm wearing... my wonderful purple doily flapper dress! The previous receptionist/ admin manager at work came back from her lunch break one day and told me she'd seen "my"dress in a shop window... so I went and looked at it of course... and fell in love with the layers of "doilys" that move and shimmy like the flapper dresses from the twenties. It's silk too. A dress by Collezione... and that's meant to mean something apparently!

And because I'm off to a wedding I've got a fascinator on and everything - the one I wore in my hair at my wedding is getting to see another one! Pity my lovely boy who was also at my wedding is still in Japan and I have to go solo to this one... missing you!

Day Ten - Bullet Point Bridget

Manic day at work.

Excuse the camel toe.
Was a quick change and go....

Shit. I should be a rapper.

Maybe not... they don't centre align.

That's better.

Self made top... bought pants. Bullet point Bridget. 

Fade to evening wear.... 

Yes this IS after shot... and after typing.... self made dress shirt with jazzy corset belt - $10 at sallies armies (or is that a rip...?)

Would like to say more but would be ... well... incomprehensible.... you take what you can get i guess....

wow. weddding 2moror.... better shape up.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day Nine - Stairway To Heaven

This is another dress I made, a beautiful Burda Pattern dress, with pleating detail around the waistline. I like to quirk things up, with a polka dot belt, and my 'stairway to heaven' leggings, a ladder pattern cut up my leg. I got all excited and feel in love with these leggings and bought two pairs! SO... if you see them again on these pages - that is why!

I am excited about tomorrow night so I get to wear TWO outfits again... plus a wedding on Friday, and a function on Sunday! Boy I'm really chewing through it ay... maybe I'll run out of clothes???

Speaking of which, I began cutting out another dress last night.

Here is a photo of the fabric - vintage florals are supposedly 'in'... and I don't think I own anything floral ... so I must need it! Have I justified it to you yet???

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day Eight - Pretty in Pink

Quite an odd little outfit... I would probably end up on some magazine's worst dressed list today if I was famous, but I'm not, so thankfully that's one thing I don't need to worry about!
Brown slouch boots, light blue/grey tights with a rose pattern on them, my nude pink top and bolero cardy, AND today the skirt I sewed's first-ever outing!

Here is a closer view...
You'll see it has contrasting panels, with little pockets of the check fabric to tie it together. I'd love to say that I originally intended to have it this way, but I must come clean.

I accidentally cut the skirt out a little small for me. I didn't find this out til I'd sewn the whole thing! Aargh!

After a little thinking I bought matching navy blue material and redid one of the panels to make to fit. So the first version of the skirt was made early winter but it is only now she gets her first outing as I have just fixed it.

Well to be even more honest, it's is probably only this challenge that is making me wear it. I wasn't confident about how it looked so it would have sat in my wardrobe forever had it not been for me "having to" wear all my clothes. And I'm glad I wore it, because now I quite like it.

So this week I am going to make my 'crafty' week and wear what I've sewn!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day Seven - Pondering in Pajamas

I stayed at home today with my cold... hence the long face... but it gave me the opportunity to do some calculations... and some thinking...

So far I have worn;

Hoodies                 1 out of 4
Trousers                 2 out of 4
Dresses / Tunics     4 out of 25
Tops                      4 out of 38
Shirts                     1 out of 8
Cardigans / Vests   1 out of 9
Jackets                   2 out of 12
Leggings                 1 out of 4
Jeans                      1 out of 4
Shoes                     5 out of 15 pairs

I haven't touched any skirts, shorts or  trackies yet. I am very concerned about getting through all my tops and dresses... as wearing a dress negates wearing a top. Hmmm...

One side effect of this challenge I didn't anticipate is that my washing load has increased! Normally I might get a couple of wears out of some items but to try and get through the challenge I am probably only going to wear most things once before Christmas so everything is going straight to the wash!

One question I have started to ponder today is... what happens after all this is done?

Do I continue with my wardrobe? Do I part with some of it? Do I swap with friends or give to charity? And how will I buy clothes in the future considering how quickly everything can mount up until you have a huge wardrobe? How much is too much? How big are your wardrobes? How big should or shouldn't a person's wardrobe be?

Would love to know your thoughts...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day Six - Hungover in the Hoodie

Hungover today - so slouch around home clothes... black jeans, white top and this hooded tunic... the bright yellow insert is my addition. I sewed it into the hood using material from an old dress. It's all about recycling! 

I have not done anything all day except nurse my cold and read my book - I'm really into reading about Tudor England at the moment, Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth and all those crazy ladies. Alison Weir and Philippa Gregory are great authors of this genre. They all wore hoods back in those days too...

Tomorrow marks the end of first week of this week challenge. I will tally up how many items of clothes have been worn and work out how many to go and then we'll be able to see if I'm on track or not. Gulp.

Day Five - Drum Roll Please... The Red Dress

Aaah Saturday... an opportunity to not look professional and indulge my alternative side. Chopped off denim dress, head scarf and white long sleeved tee. Did the shopping, hung out the washing, went to the library, strolled around town... in flat shoes!

Then got ready for my friend's hens night... time for the much famed red dress to come out and have her turn in the sun (that is a disco ball)!

These are 'before' shots...

The red dress is from a High Street store in Christchurch called Tango. I'm not sure it even exists anymore... fortunately the red dress still does! I bought it when I was student, around the time of my 21st. It cost me $150 I think, which at the time was a week's living expenses! The red dress and I have had some good times together... she is almost a persona in herself.

She has been around the world with me, from clubs in Tokyo and Auckland, she's started the night and ended it with me on many a morning, walking home with high heels in hand. She has even been in the newspaper! I'm thinking I might do a tableau of the red dress so if you can think of red dress occasions or even have photos of her please send them to me and I'll post them!!!

Now the shoes... bought in London with friend Meredith in 2003. I have never seen anything like them, except for this Summer. A flat version in Footloose shoes, same colour, same cutout pattern style. These girls have seen some good times too but unfortunately I think they may be heading towards end of their life.

Last night may have been the first time the red dress and jade shoes have been worn together... thanks to the wonderful clutch friend Jen gave me for my birthday. The colours in the clutch tie it all together wonderfully.

And yes... we did have a good night!