Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 3 - Katsudon - a winning dish

Chef Hubby is cooking tonight. Katsu don - you crumb chicken cutlet in panko, then deep fry. Then you make a sauce, which is japanese "dashi" stock and soy sauce, mirin and sake. You cook off some onion in the sauce, then add the cutlet back into the pan to get some of the flavour. Once the chicken is warm, pour a half beaten egg over everything, whack a lid on the frypan and cook the egg until softly set. Garnish with something green, Chef Hubby used sliced spring onion tonight. Slice the cutlet into bite sized strips and serve on rice.

So far, so good, we haven't spent any money on shopping. But, I'm a bit concerned about the level of milk we have left. The conundrum is any dollar spent on milk is a dollar not spent on wine. And as we only have a self-imposed budget of thirty of these dollars to spend on groceries each week, each dollar is especially precious.

Popular Japanese tradition has it that students should eat Katsu Don before an exam, as the word Katsu can also mean "to win" in Japanese. It's a homophone. That's a grammar lesson for free - though when I run out of milk I'll wish I charged you for it :)

 Here's another something I'll tell you for free - google Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and decide if you're down with what they're doing.

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