Today my outfit was so boring I decided to make things a bit more interesting by showing you some pictures of our garden that we have been working on today...
Here I am looking at my Espalier Apple tree which has a record 14 apples on it this year. My Grape which for the first time we may get grapes off and my Blackberry which is looking good since we moved it. Can you believe this photo was taken around 7pm? I HEART Summer!
Next we have Long Shot looking down our planter box garden, we have tried to grow every thing from seed ourselves this year with some success but I think we planted out too early and something is munching the poor wee seedlings. We are growing Pak Choi, Tomatoes, Daikon, Beetroot, Chinese Cabbage, Spinach, a variety of chillies (this is the photographers pet), Brocolli, Corn, Sugar Snap Peas, Radish, Garlic, Red Onion, Lettuce... I think that's it - oh and lots of herbs Italian Parsley, Basil and Coriander.

I harvested a handful of strawberries today and store bought strawberries have nothing of these small, super sweet fellas! There is a whole lot of self seeded Nastursium growing up and around the pots and my theory is that this is helping produce more strawberries that ever as I know they are good companion plants.
Finally here I am watering the garden like every good gardener should do. The photographer installed an irrigation system this year which makes things sooo easy. Flick of a switch, set the timer and the plants get a proper watering. But I have to say, I do kinda miss standing out in the fading sunlight, hose in hand, drink in the other communing with the world.
Finally - dinner was an epic FAIL. I tried to make Pakora - a deep fried Indian tempura kinda thing... I ended up smoking the house out with oil... it STILL reeks... here is a photo of the haze. Have a good laugh - we did! (eventually).