Monday, November 8, 2010

Day Seven - Pondering in Pajamas

I stayed at home today with my cold... hence the long face... but it gave me the opportunity to do some calculations... and some thinking...

So far I have worn;

Hoodies                 1 out of 4
Trousers                 2 out of 4
Dresses / Tunics     4 out of 25
Tops                      4 out of 38
Shirts                     1 out of 8
Cardigans / Vests   1 out of 9
Jackets                   2 out of 12
Leggings                 1 out of 4
Jeans                      1 out of 4
Shoes                     5 out of 15 pairs

I haven't touched any skirts, shorts or  trackies yet. I am very concerned about getting through all my tops and dresses... as wearing a dress negates wearing a top. Hmmm...

One side effect of this challenge I didn't anticipate is that my washing load has increased! Normally I might get a couple of wears out of some items but to try and get through the challenge I am probably only going to wear most things once before Christmas so everything is going straight to the wash!

One question I have started to ponder today is... what happens after all this is done?

Do I continue with my wardrobe? Do I part with some of it? Do I swap with friends or give to charity? And how will I buy clothes in the future considering how quickly everything can mount up until you have a huge wardrobe? How much is too much? How big are your wardrobes? How big should or shouldn't a person's wardrobe be?

Would love to know your thoughts...


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