Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 28 - Fruit Burst

Fruit burst shoes - what's your favourite flavour? I think mine was peach. Someone told me as a child that the yellow banana ones were the worst for you so I never ate them - and there were always soo many yellow banana ones versus peach ones in a packet!

The skirt was bought in Japan, and has domes that adjust the width of the waist. Needless to say my domes are on max!

Such a beautiful day, I have started walking to work in a bid to prove to the photographer that we only need one car and boy am I loving the walk. Tunes turned up high, sunshine streaming - it is the perfect distance to put distance between work and home and vice versa. The walk home includes a stroll across Horton Park which I reserve for fist pumping and singing out loud as Kings Of Leon (or someone of that ilk) unleash another stadium anthem!

Here is the tally for this week;

Hoodies                 2 out of 4
Dresses / Tunics     17 out of 25
Tops                      19 out of 38
Shirts                      3 out of 8
Cardigans / Vests    5 out of 9
Jackets                   4 out of 12
Shorts                    2 out of 4
Skirts                     5 out of 10
Jeans                      4 out of 4
Trousers                 4 out of 4

Leggings                 4 out of 4
Shoes                     15 out of 15 pairs

Last night before I went to bed I divided the wardrobe and drawers in to worn / not worn yet as I am having trouble remembering!

I have been reading A Personal History of The Virgin Queen - that's right - Elizabeth I (the one there were 2 movies made about starring Cate Blanchett). I think she felt very strongly about her God Given Rights as a Monarch and that perhaps empowered her obvious natural ability, by that I mean it pushed her to stand up and rule and not submit to marrying and other natural roles of women of the time.

I have been pondering on my walks home what, if she lived today, Elizabeth I, as an obviously remarkable woman, would be? Would she be in Politics? Would she be a CEO of a major corporation?  Would she be Hilary Clinton?

My other thought when reading this book is that still after over 300 years since the end of her reign Elizabeth I's tactics of torture and her massive spy networks are still very real in modern government - WikiLeaks/ Guantanamo Bay anyone?

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